The Enchanting Journey of Wodo Network at Pocket Gamer Connects London

2 min readJan 26, 2024


Wodo Network’s Co-Founder CTO, Serhat Tanrıkut, and senior software engineer Hüseyin Gürkan participated in the two-day event held at Pocket Gamer Connects London, creating a remarkable experience in the world of gaming. Here are the details of this captivating journey:

Serhat TANRIKUT & Hüseyin Gürkan

Day 1: Engaging Discussions and Networking

On the first day, Serhat Tanrıkut and Hüseyin Gürkan started by meeting event attendees. They engaged in discussions about Wodo Network’s innovations, particularly the unique features of the Wodo Platform and Wodo Game Hub. They actively participated in informative sessions, providing valuable insights into topics such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, and Web3.0 transformation for the gaming industry. Additionally, they interacted with other industry professionals, establishing new connections, and introduced Wodo Network to the audience.

Engaging Discussions and Networking
Engaging Discussions and Networking

Day 2: Co-Founder CTO Serhat Tanrıkut’s Speech

On the second day, Wodo Network’s visionary Co-Founder CTO Serhat Tanrıkut took the stage as a speaker, offering detailed insights into the company’s vision and the innovations brought to web3 and blockchain technologies. Answering questions sincerely, he emphasized Wodo Network’s multi-chain experience and its pioneering role in technology. Sharing his own experiences, he positioned himself as a leader contributing to the transformation in the industry.

Co-Founder CTO Serhat Tanrıkut’s Speech
Co-Founder CTO Serhat Tanrıkut’s Speech

Post-Event Evaluation and Expectations

The Wodo Network team was highly satisfied with the experience gained at the Pocket Gamer Connects London event. Beyond establishing new connections, they had the opportunity to stay updated on industry developments. CTO Serhat Tanrıkut’s speech reinforced Wodo Network’s technological innovations and leadership in multi-chain experiences.

With the success achieved at this event, Wodo Network once again proved its commitment to shaping the future of technology. Pocket Gamer Connects London was not just an event for Wodo Network but also an opportunity to offer a new perspective to the world of gaming and interact with other gaming industry professionals. This impressive journey brought Wodo Network one step closer to its future successes.




Wodo Gaming is an open-source platform where gamers and game developers come together to develop next-generation techs and blockchain games.