Looking for a safe way to invest in blockchain technology?

4 min readAug 25, 2022


Take the worry out of blockchain investments with Wodo’s Incubation Pad. Create, advise, play and earn with blockchain game investment!

Your game could be featured on the Wodo Incubation Pad!

Blockchain technology is being somewhat unfairly maligned at the moment, thanks largely to its being equated with cryptocurrency. The volatility of cryptocurrency markets is making people uneasy, and with good reason! The plethora of scammers, bots and misinformation or hype surrounding various cryptocurrency tokens and sales is intimidating at best. And yet, more and more offerings are cropping up. How do you sift through the market for viable investment options?

Our advice: look for the utility behind the investment. Blockchain investment, though more volatile than more traditional markets, is really about what’s popular and what will endure. If you’re thinking about dipping your toes in the murky waters of blockchain investment but aren’t sure where to start, take a look at Wodo’s Incubation Pad!

The Incubation Pad offers game developers and game studios the opportunity to pitch, ideate and develop their blockchain games. The Incubation Pad is designed to facilitate new game creation, with the help and feedback of an active blockchain community who can invest, play beta versions of games to leave reviews and suggestions or even design their own NFT assets for game play. It’s a really unique opportunity for investors to see what’s on offer, what’s hot and perhaps most importantly, where an investment would make the most cents.

Invest across the Wodo Platform including the Incubation Pad today!
Invest in the future of blockchain gaming with Wodo!

Who can Invest?

More traditional investing might be kept behind the golden gates, but that’s generally not true of blockchain investments. For their part, Wodo is dedicated to the central tenets of Web 3.0: democratization and decentralization. This might seem a bit lefty, but why shouldn’t investment opportunities be universally accessible?

The Incubation Pad is designed as part think tank, part community space and part investment space. Here, games that are still in their development stages can crowdfund with community support or seek out higher levels of investment. No matter what your position is, you’ll be able to review the games on offer and assess their viability and earning potential.

Games are considered to be more of an investment if they feature an in-game economics system. For example, the native Wodoland game, available for play across a variety of devices and accessible from the Game Store, features a complex in-game economy.

Wodoland is the first game designed and built on the Wodo source platform. The game is designed with active scenarios, quests, competitions and an in game economy that supports selling, trading and purchasing blockchain assets.

Players in Wodoland can assume roles like merchant, banker, blacksmith or soldier and can earn cryptocurrency tokens like the local Wodo XWGT Token. Cryptocurrency tokens and NFT assets like skins, tools and weapons can be stored in the interoperable Wodolet for use in the game to buy, sell or trade blockchain assets. The Wodolet allows players easy access to their cryptocurrency tokens, in game earnings, tournament winnings and NFT purchases or designs.

How Does In-Game Economics Translate to Earnings?

Creating a viable and ever evolving system of in-game economics is a challenge that game developers come to Wodo seeking a solution for. A significant feature of the Incubation Pad is the development and integration of blockchain based in-game economies.

As with any economy, supply and demand are central to establishing an in game economy. Whether a trading game, based around asset collection and trading or selling or a simpler points-based game, the concepts of increased rewards and scarcity are pivotal factors. Games that allow players to design and integrate their unique NFT assets are likely to have higher earnings overall. The higher the number of players, the higher the return on investment. So too, the higher number of trades, the greater the rewards.

Taking a look at the community involvement and feedback on gameplay across the Incubation Pad will allow investors to make something of an educated decision in their game investment.

What Safety Net is in Place?

Just because a game designer wants their game on the Wodo Incubation Pad doesn’t guarantee it has a place in the end to end incubation process.

Games for the Incubation Pad are assessed by Wodo’s experts, who take a look at their capability, operability and the possibility of successful blockchain integration. Wodo have worked diligently to create a system that analyzes games and reviews the game’s fundraising legitimacy.

Wodo’s vision of an interoperable and accessible blockchain game and business ecosystem is closely aligned with a belief in the necessity of creating a safe and sustainable platform. Investment from businesses and community members is what will enable Wodo to bridge the gap between the current gaming environment and the new frontier of the Metaverse.

Explore investment opportunities in the Wodo Incubation Pad and across the Wodo Platform today!

Explore the future of blockchain gaming across the Wodo Network today! Incubation Pad launching soon!
The Incubation Pad is coming soon to Wodo! Stay tuned!

Read more on Wodo Network, Wodo Gaming, and Wodo Documentation

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Wodo Gaming is an open-source platform where gamers and game developers come together to develop next-generation techs and blockchain games.